School Anthem

Mariam High School is here x2
To carry on the struggle
Educate a woman the nation is educated x2

Everything here is symbolic x2
The colour is green and white
Giving the light for life and purity x2

Mariam High School is here to stay x2
Mariam High is here to live
Education is life forever and ever x2

School Prayers

In the Name of Allah the most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

We thank you Lord for having brought us to yet another day,
When we can humble and dedicate ourselves to you the Almighty
Lord, we ask You to bless our school Mariam High to be a lively center for sound learning new discovery and the pursuit for wisdom
Bless our administrators, teachers and support stuff with knowledge to be the source of all truth and to continue serving this institute diligently
Grant our parents love and care to continue supporting
Give us patience and courage, guide our creativity to express ourselves well and excel in this challenging world.

We ask you all this Lord, The most gracious the most merciful

School Philosophy

Mariam High School believes in mentoring a High skilled professional unique Muslim Girl deep-rooted in Islamic values