Our Sickbay

The sickbay at Mariam High School is a well-equipped medical facility that provides students with access to basic healthcare services during school hours. The sickbay is staffed by a trained nurse who is responsible for providing first aid, administering medication, and responding to any medical emergencies that may arise.

The sickbay is designed to be a safe and comfortable space where students can receive the medical attention they need. It is equipped with a range of medical supplies and equipment, including a first aid kit, a blood pressure monitor, and a defibrillator. The nurse is also equipped with a mobile device that enables them to quickly communicate with emergency services if needed.

Students who feel unwell or experience a medical emergency during school hours can visit the sickbay for assessment and treatment. The nurse on duty will provide first aid, administer medication if necessary, and assess whether further medical attention is required. If a student requires more advanced medical care, they will be transported to the nearest hospital or clinic.

The sickbay at Mariam High School plays a crucial role in ensuring the health and well-being of students. It provides students with access to basic healthcare services, which can help them recover from illness or injury quickly and minimize the impact on their academic performance. By having a dedicated sickbay on campus, Mariam High School ensures that students can receive prompt and effective medical attention whenever they need it.

Overall, the sickbay at Mariam High School is an essential resource for students, providing them with access to basic healthcare services during school hours. It is staffed by a trained nurse and equipped with a range of medical supplies and equipment, making it a safe and comfortable space for students who require medical attention.