mariam high school

Our Kiosk

The kiosk at Mariam High School is a convenient and efficient way for students to purchase snacks, drinks, and other items during school hours. Located in the school's main lobby, the kiosk is easily accessible and provides students with a wide range of options to choose from.

The kiosk is stocked with a variety of items, including soft drinks, water, energy drinks, chips, candy, and other snacks. Students can purchase these items using cash or card, and the prices are competitive with those found in local convenience stores.

The kiosk is operated by the school and is staffed by student volunteers who are trained to provide excellent customer service. These students are responsible for restocking the kiosk, handling transactions, and ensuring that the kiosk is clean and well-maintained.

The kiosk at Mariam High School provides students with a convenient and affordable way to purchase snacks and other items during school hours. It is a popular destination for students during break times and provides a social hub where students can meet and socialize while grabbing a quick bite to eat.

Overall, the kiosk at Mariam High School is an essential resource for students, providing them with access to affordable snacks and drinks during school hours. It is staffed by friendly and helpful student volunteers, making it a popular destination for students looking for a quick and convenient snack break.