mariam high school

We think it’s vital that our students get out of the classroom and get stuck into activities they love. It’s not just great for learning, it’s also vital for growing confidence, brain stimulating developing social skills, staying fit and exploring creativity.
We offer a broad, varied and exciting range of extra-curricular activities, clubs, societies and teams to help our young people pursue their passions. Whether your child is an IT expert, a talented painter or simply loves making music, we have an extra-curricular activity for them.

There are two specialist art teachers, Each teacher has their own teaching space, which is well resourced with suitable materials. an additional art display room that can be used to showcase student work. Towards the end of each academic year the entire school participates in an Art exhibition, where we all get creative

As part of our enrichment programme we ensure creative children have all the tools and resources they need to really express themselves, explore their talents and make something great. Whether they are making a short skit, singing in our choir in local competitions or performing contemporary dance on stage, we will let their creativity and talent shine
We also aim to develop our children’s understanding of the arts through the local culture of Uganda. We celebrate Ugandan arts at the school every June during our annual Art week by inviting local artists with extraordinary sills in painting, pottery, textiles, paper, leather, calligraphy and metal to visit the school and work with our pupils. The work children produce during Art week is then showcased in a vibrant exhibition attended by parents and the local community.

Fantastic for team-building and confidence-boosting and of course physical fitness, our well-equipped campus is perfect for young people with a passion for physical activities. We have teams for all major sports from football and rugby, to swimming, bandminton and basketball and plenty of opportunities for pupils to take part in more unusual sporting activities too
Mariam High School has a large 5-acre playing field, an indoor sports hall and an outdoor basketball and volley court,woodball yard. These facilities are widely used throughout the day, often from before school starts until long after school finishes, along with Saturdays too.